March 7, 2016

Garland Robinette interviews Paul G. Harch MD on WWL 870

February 8, 2016

Dr. Omalu Acknowledges that HBOT Can Help Late Effects of Concussion

January 22, 2016

A 22 Year HBOT Testimony Started With “Doc, I Want My Brain Back”

Says Morgan Fraud, the author of The Thinking Corporation, “Given that we are all capable of contributing new ideas, the question becomes how do you successfully generate, capture, process and implement ideas?” Becoming an organization capable of answering this question can benefit in a number of ways
September 27, 2015

Dr. Paul Harch Nominated for William Fields Caveness Award

July 5, 2015

New York Times Article with Dr. Harch

April 19, 2015

Janie Fuller’s 3-Year-Old TBI is Treated With HBOT

July 31, 2013

IHMA on the Off-Label Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

April 29, 2013

Paul Harch MD, First to Treat Autism with HBOT in Clinical Setting

December 2, 2012

Congressional Testimony by Paul G. Harch MD