Dr. Paul Harch MD
areas of expertise
- Hyperbaric medicine
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- HBOT and neurological disorders
- Emergency medicine
- HBOT and SPECT brain imaging
- Full Curriculum Vitae Here
- Doctor of Medicine, John Hopkins University School of Medicine (Magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa)
- BSc, Biology, The University of California, Irvine
Dr. Paul Harch is a world-renowned HBOT expert, and his treatment program for his patients is unmatched. He has used hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat more than 100 different conditions, including stroke, dementia, autism, and traumatic brain injury. His goal is to help his patients get their lives back using hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Dr. Harch’s Education and Background
Dr. Paul G. Harch, M.D. is a clinician in emergency medicine and hyperbaric medicine who is the former director of the University Medical Center Hyperbaric Medicine Department and LSU Hyperbaric Medicine Fellowship. Currently, he is a Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Section of Emergency Medicine at LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans. He graduated from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine after graduating from the University of California at Irvine with magna cum laude/Phi Beta Kappa honors.

Harch HBOT
Dr. Harch initiated and continues to be a private practice that has resulted in the largest case experience in neurological hyperbaric medicine in the world. In this practice, he adapted the concepts of conventional hyperbaric oxygen therapy to wounds in the central nervous system, which spawned the subsequent academic and research practice. Harch HBOT is the best place to receive oxygen therapy treatments, and patients have traveled from more than 50 countries to be treated by Dr. Harch himself.
Dr. Harch’s Advances in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Beginning in 1989 with brain-injured divers, boxers, and the first drowned child, Dr. Harch applied his protocol to the first HBOT-treated cerebral palsy child in 1992, the first series of autistic children in 1995-2000, and the first children and adults with nearly 100 other cerebral disorders from 1989 to the present.
In 1994, he treated his first dementia patient and the following year employed the first “anti-aging” use of HBOT in a 19-year-old woman with a premature aging syndrome known as Ceroid Lipofuscinosis of the Brain.” Two years later, in 1997, he treated an unconscious drowned child within 90 minutes of removal from the bottom of a pool, discharging him intact from the hospital four days later. In 2001, he treated the first Alzheimer’s case with HBOT, presenting this case and the dramatic SPECT brain imaging documentation of this treatment to a U.S. congressional subcommittee.
Most recently, he treated the first HBOT PET FDG brain imaging-documented Alzheimer’s case in January 2019, and a subacute drowned child in 2016. This drowned two-year-old girl featured the first demonstration of global regrowth of brain tissue in humans.
Dr. Harch’s Treatment of U.S. Servicemen with HBOT
Dr. Harch has also successfully treated U.S. servicemen with traumatic brain injuries and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). His protocol was given and applied to the first U.S. service member, a brigadier general, who was an inpatient at Walter Reed Medical Center in 2007. Dr. Harch subsequently made an open call to treat veterans pro bono at his clinic.
The very first veteran, who experienced an improvement in his TBI, also, surprisingly, was cured of his PTSD. The case was published in Cases Journal in 2009.
Dr. Harch’s subsequent treatment of veterans with TBI and PTSD led to a presentation at BUMED (The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery) to the Navy Surgeon General, Admiral Robinson, and his staff on August 15, 2008, and the U.S. Department of Defense Consensus Conference on Treatment of TBI and PTSD in Alexandria, Virginia, December 5, 2008, and December 6, 2008. With William Duncan, Ph.D., and ex-Secretary of the Army, Martin Hoffmann, he raised $643,000 to fund the first HBOT study on veterans with TBI and PTSD.
This study was published in the Journal of Neurotrauma in 2012 and in Medical Gas Research in October of 2017. His studies in veterans with brain injuries have continued with a recently completed randomized trial. funded by a Louisiana-generated congressional appropriation. The early case experience was confirmed in an animal model of chronic traumatic brain injury that was published in Brain Research in October 2007.
This animal study is the first and only improvement of chronic brain injury in animals in the history of science and was achieved using Dr. Harch’s human protocol of HBOT in traumatic brain injury.
Dr. Harch’s Book,
“The Oxygen Revolution”
In April 2007, Dr. Harch published “The Oxygen Revolution” with co-author Virginia McCullough. This groundbreaking book, which was released in its third updated edition in May 2016, explains Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as an epigenetic therapy with expected revolutionary effects on medicine and neurology. It is the definitive guide to the miracle of hyperbaric oxygen therapy from a pioneer in the field. Learn more about Dr. Harch’s book endorsements.

Learn More About HBOT with Dr. Paul Harch

Dr. Harch is the leading international HBOT expert. He is an internationally renowned expert in developing HBOT treatment plans for neurological conditions. His treatment programs and results are unmatched in the field. He has used hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat over 100 different conditions, including stroke, dementia, autism, and traumatic brain injury. Dr. Harch specializes in the proper dosing of oxygen therapy. If dosed properly, HBOT has an excellent chance of helping you or your loved one. If you are looking for treatment by the leading expert in HBOT, you have found the right doctor in Dr. Harch.
About Harch HBOT
Harch HBOT is Dr. Paul Harch’s private practice, and it is the leading hyperbaric oxygen therapy clinic. Ours is the only clinic that provides therapy by Dr. Harch. If you would like to receive treatment from Dr. Harch, this is the only place to do so. Dr. Harch gives people back their lives with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Please beware of any false claims of association, affiliation with, practice with, consulting, “trained by Dr. Harch,” using “Harch Protocols,” or other misleading statements by healthcare practitioners, clinics, and businesses. Dr. Harch’s private practice is not associated with any other hyperbaric facility or practitioner. “Harch Protocols” are a multi-decade practice strategy, proprietary, and individually customized to be exclusively administered at our clinic in New Orleans under Dr. Harch’s medical supervision. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly staff.
If you are ready to set up a phone interview with Dr. Harch to find out if you or your loved one are a good candidate for HBOT, contact Harch HBOT today.

International Hyperbaric Medical Association
2003 The Richard Neubauer MD Award
Dr. Harch’s Awards
- Gulf Coast Chapter of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society 2018 Edgar End Memorial Lecture Award
- International Hyperbarics Association 2018 Vanguard Award
- Fellow of Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine 2017 Mr. Fantastic Award
- Hyperbaric Medicine Fellowship Excellence in Graduate Education 2015 Outstanding Clinical Award
- West Jefferson Medical Center 2013 Physician Appreciation Award
- Hyperbaric Medicine Fellowship Excellence Graduate Education 2013 Outstanding Lecturer Award
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Orleans 2013 Honoree Award
- International Hyperbaric Medical Association 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award
- The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential 2010 Da Vinci Award for Work with Pediatric Brain Injury
- The Richard A. Neubauer Institute Awards 2008 Hyperbaric Doctor of the Year
- The Richard A. Neubauer Institute Awards 2008 Most Innovative use of Hyperbaric Oxygenation
- International Hyperbaric Medical Association 2003 The Richard Neubauer MD Award
- Gulf Coast Chapter of the Undersea and the Hyperbaric Medical Society 1993 Edger Ends Award for Outstanding Contributions to Basic and Clinical Hyperbaric Research
- The Richard A. Neubauer Institute Awards Most Innovative Use
- Hyperbaric Medicine Fellowship Distinguished Service Award