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Internationally renowned expert in developing
HBOT treatment plans for neurological conditions.
His treatment programs & results are un-matched.
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international HBOT expert
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber insideRead the latest updates on HBOT for COVID-19
pneumonia and respiratory failure here.
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our happy patients
Our results speak for themselves - no other doctor
in the world has patient outcomes like ours.
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the oxygen revolution
The definitive guide to the miracle of hyperbaric
oxygen therapy, from a pioneer in the field.
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Looking for treatment by the leading expert in HBOT?

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We aim to give people back their lives,
using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

The mission of Harch Hyperbarics, Inc. is to maximize health and well-being through the
personalized application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Harch Hyperbarics intends to shift the
paradigm for treatment of neurological and chronic diseases from one of diagnosis and
observation to treatment and rehabilitation. Since 1986 we have used HBOT’s gene and stem
cell stimulating properties to “give people back their lives.” Harch Hyperbarics’ goal is to
expand this therapy to elevate global health and longevity.
See what conditions we treat

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Our Services


Harch Hyperbarics offers precision-dosing of hyperbaric oxygen therapy customized to the patient, the patient’s condition, and the time of intervention in the disease process (days to years after the onset of the disease).  This is done in hardshell chambers with the entire dosing range of pressures, and oxygen content.  For more about personalized dosing of HBOT visit What Is HBOT.


Contrary to the historical practice of hyperbaric oxygen therapy where treatment is delivered based on rote protocols and a “one size fits all” approach Dr. Harch practices medicine according to the principles of personalized medicine.  Personalized medicine recognizes that each person is distinctly different from every other person.  A disorder that occurs in any patient affects that patient in a very individual fashion.  Each patient and their disease, therefore, is idiosyncratic and specific to that patient only.  High blood pressure, for example, can be caused by genetic/familial factors, vascular disease, obesity, excessive alcohol intake, chronic stress, etc. and there are over 75 medications that can be prescribed for hypertension once reversible causes have been addressed.  But, which medication is right for you and your hypertension and what dose?  The answers are determined by your physician’s evaluation and your personal medical characteristics.  The failure to treat each patient individually and dose them according to their disease and individual characteristics has led to the historically uneven results with HBOT and exposed the therapy to justified criticisms.  At Harch Hyperbarics the approach with hyperbaric oxygen therapy is individualized dosing.


To facilitate this personalized dosing of HBOT Dr. Harch initially used SPECT brain imaging in 1989.  While still using this valuable brain blood flow imaging modality he has refined this dosing to real-time live multi-dose in-chamber evaluation with quantitative EEG.  For brain-based disorders this allows the opportunity to assess the response of a patient’s brain disorder to multiple different doses of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and guide a starting point for therapy.  For non-brain-based conditions dosing is delivered based on the patient’s condition, Dr. Harch’s decades of experience, the patient’s individual characteristics and co-morbid conditions, and their ongoing response to treatment.



For patients evaluated and treated in New Orleans who have demonstrated responsiveness to HBOT and require additional HBOT, but cannot return to New Orleans for further treatment Harch Hyperbarics offers Long-Term HBOT in your home.  Harch Hyperbarics will install a chamber and train family members to treat the patient in a home setting.




In addition to HBOT services in New Orleans and Long-Term In-Home HBOT Harch Hyperbarics offers in-home concierge hyperbaric oxygen therapy with both hardshell and softshell hyperbaric chambers.  A service first begun with the treatment of Tony Robbins in 2017 and continued with patients in multiple states this exclusive service is for patients who want the convenience of personalized in-home treatment by a trained technician or those who cannot travel for treatment to New Orleans and require or request technician-delivered HBOT.  It is a turnkey service from consultation, evaluation, personalized dosing, usually with real-time in-chamber quantitative EEG, to installation of a chamber in your home, and operation of the chamber by Harch Hyperbarics’ trained staff.  The service was developed and overseen by Juliette Harch, RN as an outreach of her private duty in-home nursing service in Manhattan, NY. Patients remain under the constant care of Dr. Harch for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  It is an expensive service, but the ultimate experience in personalized hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  For more information contact the Harch Hyperbaric staff at 504-309-4948.

Harch HBOT 

Harch HBOT is the private practice of Dr. Paul Harch, the international expert in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. His treatment program for patients is unmatched. We aim to give people back their lives with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Located in New Orleans, Louisiana, many patients come to us from outside of the New Orleans area.  In fact, patients from over 50 countries have come to New Orleans to receive HBOT under Dr. Harch’s guidance. Learn more about how Dr. Harch can help you heal with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 

What is HBOT? 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, is a medical treatment that enhances the body’s natural healing processes. It is a simple, non-invasive, and painless treatment. The combination of increased atmospheric pressure and increased percentage of oxygen in a total body chamber treats a wide variety of medical conditions. It is also commonly referred to as oxygen treatment, hyperbaric therapy, or hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

How Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Work?

Under normal circumstances, oxygen is transported throughout the body by red blood cells with a tiny amount also dissolved in plasma, the liquid portion of the blood. When oxygen is delivered under pressure much greater amounts of oxygen are dissolved in plasma where it is more readily available for transfer to all of the tissues and fluids in the body, such as the central nervous system fluid, the lymphatic system, connective tissue, all solid organs, and bone. In the smallest blood vessels, plasma blood flow carries the increased oxygen to areas where circulation is diminished or blocked. In this way, adequate oxygen can reach all of the damaged tissues, especially those where healing is delayed or diminished. Once sufficient oxygen is delivered to these damaged tissues, the oxygen reduces swelling. This greatly enhances the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria and stimulates new blood vessels to grow more rapidly into the affected areas.

What Are the Benefits of HBOT? 

There are many benefits of HBOT. Healing cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue and cells. Many illnesses and injuries fail to heal because of inadequate oxygen levels. Increased oxygen under pressure, or HBOT, provides this extra oxygen to tissue and cells with minimal side effects. Some of the many benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy include: 

  • New connective tissue growth
  • New blood vessel growth
  • New skin growth
  • Remodeling of bone
  • Expedited healing 
  • New cell regeneration 
  • Anti-aging 
  • A feeling of well being
  • Improved quality of life 

What Conditions Does HBOT Treat? 

Potentially, HBOT can be used for any condition that involves injury, wounding, loss of blood supply, or inflammation. At Harch HBOT, we treat more than 70 conditions with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The following are some of the most common conditions and injuries that Dr. Harch treats with oxygen therapy.

Even if the condition or injury that you or a loved one is suffering from is not listed here, it does not mean that it is not responsive to HBOT or that we cannot successfully treat you with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is different from all other known therapies in that it treats the underlying disease processes that are responsible for and common to many diseases. Diseases that are similar to those diseases that are typically treated with HBOT are also very often responsive to HBOT. Please contact us today to find out if you or your loved one is a good candidate for HBOT with Dr. Harch. 

Dr Harch hyperbaric

HBOT for COVID-19 

HBOT is most recently being used to treat COVID-19 and appears to be working well for most coronavirus cases. In early 2020, Dr. Harch announced to the medical community in a post that “History bears remembering.” He noted that the introduction of HBOT in the United States by Dr. Orval Cunninghan in 1918 was to Spanish Flu patients dying of the same lung condition as COVID-19 patients. At the same time, Dr. Xaioling Zhong in Wuhan successfully treated 35 patients with COVID-19, six of whom were deteriorating. Since then, multiple centers have reported the beneficial impact of HBOT on dying COVID-19 patients. Dr. Harch has been successfully treating patients with COVID-19 Long-Haulers Syndrome. Contact us for more details about how HBOT can benefit patients affected by COVID-19. 

What Is a Hyperbaric Chamber? 

A hyperbaric chamber is a fully enclosed vessel in which increased pressure and increased amounts of oxygen are therapeutically delivered.  At Harch HBOT, we use state-of-the-art, monoplace chambers of clear acrylic which have been customized to administer the entire range of clinical hyperbaric oxygen therapy doses.  During a treatment, the increased air pressure in the chamber causes greater than normal amounts of oxygen to dissolve in the blood passing through the lungs. The increased pressure itself also has beneficial effects for patients. Our clear chambers allow our professionally trained technicians to closely monitor the patient and allow the patient to see outside the chamber easily. Patients are able to communicate with the attending technician via an intercom, and they can watch a movie, listen to music, or rest during their treatment. 

Is HBOT Safe?

Overall, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is extremely safe. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is prescribed by a physician and performed under medical supervision. It is non-invasive, painless, and helps with a wide variety of medical conditions and injuries. However, like all medical treatments, there are some minor risks. The risks will be discussed with you before you sign your consent form for therapy.

Learn More About Dr. Paul Harch 

Dr. Paul Harch is a leading hyperbaric medicine, diving, and emergency medicine physician. Patients travel from countries all over the world to receive oxygen treatment with Dr. Harch. Dr. Harch has successfully treated patients with a wide range of diagnoses from drowned children to U.S. servicemen with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He has presented his experience to the U.S. Congress four times and is the co-author of the book “The Oxygen Revolution.” 

Harch HBOT 

Harch HBOT is Dr. Harch’s private practice and the only place in the world where you or your loved one can receive oxygen treatment supervised by the leading expert in the field. We have the best patient outcomes in hyperbaric medicine. 

HBOT Success Stories 

Many patients have seen amazing results after receiving hyperbaric oxygen treatment at Harch HBOT. Learn more about some of our incredible patients

How to Get Oxygen Treatment at Harch HBOT 

Oxygen therapy

If you or a loved one are considering receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy from Dr. Harch at Harch HBOT, we will walk you through our clinic’s process from start to finish. 

First, our patient care coordinator will schedule you for a telephone interview with Dr. Harch. He will review you or your loved one’s medical records and he will discuss the relevant medical history, expectations for HBOT, and confirm that the patient is a good candidate for oxygen therapy. 

Next, you will schedule an intake assessment at our clinic in New Orleans. Then, the patient will begin therapy, which typically takes around two months to complete for chronic conditions.  More acute conditions respond to HBOT in a shorter period of time. Finally, the patient will have an exit evaluation with Dr. Harch to discuss their progress and their next steps for healing. 

Contact Dr. Harch at Harch HBOT Today 

If you are ready to get started with hyperbaric oxygen treatment for yourself or a loved one, don’t wait. Call us today. Most conditions respond best when hyperbaric oxygen therapy is administered as soon as possible after a wound, injury, or diagnosis. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you and help heal you. 


Please beware of false claims of association, affiliation with, practice with, consulting, “trained by Dr. Harch,” using “Harch Protocols,” or other misleading statements by healthcare practitioners, clinics, and businesses. Dr. Harch’s private practice is not, and never has been, associated with any other hyperbaric facility or practitioner. “Harch Protocols” are a multi-decade practice strategy, proprietary, and individually customized to be exclusively administered at our clinic in New Orleans under his medical supervision. If you have any questions please contact our friendly staff.

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[stm_info_box style=”style_4″ title=”What is HBOT?” image=”3540″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fhbot.com%2Fhyperbaric-oxygen-therapy%2F%23hbot|||” css=”.vc_custom_1563213374261{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment that enhances the body’s natural healing processes. The combination of increased atmospheric pressure and increased percentage of oxygen in a total body chamber treats a wide variety of medical conditions.
Learn More[/stm_info_box][stm_spacing sm_spacing=”40px” xs_spacing=”40px”]
[stm_info_box style=”style_4″ title=”What are the benefits?” image=”3447″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fhbot.com%2Fhyperbaric-oxygen-therapy%2F%23benefits|||” css=”.vc_custom_1551911748199{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Healing cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue and cells. Many illnesses and injuries fail to heal because of inadequate oxygen levels. Increased oxygen under pressure (HBOT) provides this extra oxygen to tissue and cells with minimal side effects.
Learn More[/stm_info_box][stm_spacing sm_spacing=”40px” xs_spacing=”40px”]
[stm_info_box style=”style_4″ title=”What conditions can it treat?” image=”3228″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fhbot.com%2Fconditions%2F|title:View%20Conditions||” css=”.vc_custom_1570784110672{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Potentially HBOT can be used for any condition that involves injury, wounding, loss of blood supply, or inflammation.
See All Conditions[/stm_info_box][stm_spacing xs_spacing=”40px”]
[stm_info_box style=”style_5″ icon=”fa fa-chevron-right” title=”what we do” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fhbot.com%2Fconditions|title:learn%20more||” css=”.vc_custom_1565169316389{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]We provide expert treatment by Dr. Harch for a variety of conditions, such as:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Neurological Diseases
  • Birth Injuries & Cerebral Palsy
  • Repair & Performance
  • Wellness & Longevity

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More than 34 Years of Experience with
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

[stm_animation_block animation=”fadeInUp” animation_duration=”0.4″ animation_delay=”0″][stm_icon_box box_style=”style_2″ alignment=”center” title_color=”custom” icon=”stm-user” icon_size=”59″ icon_color=”third” icon_width_wr=”61″ title_font_size=”20″ title=”2000+ patients
treated” title_color_custom=”#ffffff” title_line_height=”22″][/stm_icon_box][/stm_animation_block][stm_spacing sm_spacing=”30px” xs_spacing=”30px”]
[stm_animation_block animation=”fadeInUp” animation_duration=”0.4″ animation_delay=”0.2″][stm_icon_box box_style=”style_2″ alignment=”center” title_color=”custom” icon=”stm-cup” icon_size=”54″ icon_color=”third” icon_width_wr=”68″ title_font_size=”20″ title=”winner of 25+
science awards” title_color_custom=”#ffffff” title_line_height=”22″][/stm_icon_box][/stm_animation_block][stm_spacing sm_spacing=”30px” xs_spacing=”30px”]
[stm_animation_block animation=”fadeInUp” animation_duration=”0.4″ animation_delay=”0.4″][stm_icon_box box_style=”style_2″ alignment=”center” title_color=”custom” icon=”stm-stm14_quote” icon_size=”50″ icon_color=”third” icon_width_wr=”70″ title_font_size=”20″ title=”75+ research publications” title_color_custom=”#ffffff” title_line_height=”22″][/stm_icon_box][/stm_animation_block][stm_spacing xs_spacing=”30px”]
[stm_animation_block animation=”fadeInUp” animation_duration=”0.4″ animation_delay=”0.6″][stm_icon_box box_style=”style_2″ alignment=”center” title_color=”custom” add_link=”enable” icon=”stm-polygon” icon_size=”59″ icon_color=”third” icon_width_wr=”77″ title_font_size=”20″ title=”100+ conditions
investigated” title_color_custom=”#ffffff” title_line_height=”22″ link=”url:%23|||”][/stm_icon_box][/stm_animation_block]
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HBOT Success Stories

[stm_info_box style=”style_4″ title=”Eden Carlson Drowning and Recovery with Hyperbaric Oxygen” image=”3416″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fhbot.com%2Feden-carlson-drowning-and-recovery-with-hbot-treatments%2F|||” css=”.vc_custom_1570784059516{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]This is the story of Eden Carlson, a 2-year old girl who experienced cardiac arrest after cold water drowning. She technically died for nearly drowning. After hyperbaric treatments with Dr. Harch, Eden regained normal speech and cognition, assisted gait, residual fine motor and temperament deficits.

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[stm_info_box style=”style_4″ title=”Curt Allen, Jr – Traumatic Brain Injury Improvements” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fhbot.com%2Fcurt-allen-jr-traumatic-brain-injury-improvements%2F|||” css=”.vc_custom_1563213234002{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}” image=”3415″]Curt Allen, Jr. was a 17 year old man involved in a high speed motor vehicle accident in which he sustained severe traumatic brain injury. After hyperbaric treatments he is now employed, walking and talking again.
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[stm_info_box style=”style_4″ title=”Robert Boytim – Near Drowning Incident” image=”3417″ link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fhbot.com%2Frobert-boytim-near-drowning-incident%2F|||” css=”.vc_custom_1551727690115{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]3 year-old Robert Boytim was found unresponsive in a pond. After an hour of CPR, EMS got a heartbeat. The road to recovery began. When Robert visited Dr. Harch his spine was curved completely backwards. Two days after his first treatment, his bend was gone.
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Latest HBOT News

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